Flower seeds

Create a vibrant garden with our vast selection of flower seeds . Whether you’re looking for perennials for lasting impact or annuals for seasonal vibrancy, we have the perfect varieties for every space and climate. Explore our flower seeds for shade or sun and transform your garden into a floral paradise.

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Lobelia 'Blue'

Lobelia 'Blue'

Lobelia 'Blue' (Lobelia erinus) – Offered by Le Potager Ornemental de Catherine Lobelia 'Blue' is a little floral wonder , producing an abundance of purplish-blue flowers that brighten up the...
Lobelia 'Cascade Mix'

Lobelia 'Cascade Mix'

An Explosion of Overflowing Colors Multicolored lobelia seeds (Lobelia erinus) , offered by the OSC seed company. Bring a dramatic touch to your hanging baskets and containers with this vibrant...
Lobelia 'Trailing Sapphire'

Lobelia 'Trailing Sapphire'

Lobelia 'Sapphire Creeping' – A Cascade of Intense Blue Dark blue lobelia seeds (Lobelia erinus) , offered by the OSC seed company. Add a touch of elegance to your hanging...
Cardinal Flower

Cardinal Flower

Cardinal Lobelia (Lobelia cardinalis) from Northern Wildflowers, an explosion of scarlet colors for your garden Cardinal lobelia ( Lobelia cardinalis ) is a spectacular perennial, renowned for its intense scarlet...
Lobelia Regatta Midnight Blue

Lobelia Regatta Midnight Blue

Lobelia 'Regatta Midnight Blue' ( Lobelia erinus pendula ), offered by the seed company WH Perron Lobelia 'Regatta Midnight Blue' is an elegant and vigorous variety, producing an abundance of...
Lobelia Regatta White

Lobelia Regatta White

Lobelia 'Regatta White' ( Lobelia erinus pendula ), offered by the seed company WH Perron Lobelia 'Regatta White' is part of the Regatta series, which is distinguished by its rapid...
Lobelia Riviera Mix

Lobelia Riviera Mix

Lobelia 'Riviera Mélange' ( Lobelia erinus compacta ), offered by the seed company WH Perron Lobelia 'Riviera Mix' is an extra early variety that blooms at least two weeks earlier...
Silver Dollar Plant

Silver Dollar Plant

Lunar or Silver Dollar Plant – Elegance and Originality in the Garden Money Plant (Lunaria biennis) seeds, offered by the OSC seed company. The Money Plant offers a unique charm...
Lupin 'Golden Yellow'

Lupin 'Golden Yellow'

A Burst of Sunshine in the Garden Golden yellow lupin seeds (Lupinus luteus) , offered by the OSC seed company. Discover bright columns of golden yellow flowers, which transform any...
Lupin Gallery® Mix

Lupin Gallery® Mix

Lupin 'Gallery' Mix ( Lupinus polyphyllus ), offered by the seed company WH Perron Lupin 'Gallery' Mix is ​​a compact and vibrant variety, offering a spectacular array of colours: deep...
Lupine 'Russell’s Hybrids Blue'

Lupine 'Russell’s Hybrids Blue'

Lupin Hybrid 'Russell's Blue' – Elegance and Resilience Russell's blue lupin seeds (Lupinus polyphyllus x hybrida), offered by the OSC seed company. Prized for its beautiful blue flower spikes, this...
Lupine 'Russell’s Red hybrid'

Lupine 'Russell’s Red hybrid'

Perennial Lupine 'Red Russell Hybrid' – A Touch of Passion in Your Garden Seeds of red lupin 'Russell's hybrid' (Lupinus polyphyllus x hybrida) , offered by the seed company OSC....
Wild Lupine

Wild Lupine

Perennial Lupine – A Jewel of the Canadian Prairies Wild lupin seeds (Lupinus perennis) , offered by the OSC seed company. Native to Ontario, this rare perennial offers abundant blooms...
Lupins 'Russell's Hybrids Mix'

Lupins 'Russell's Hybrids Mix'

A Festival of Colors for Your Garden Russell hybrid lupin seeds (Lupinus polyphyllus x hybrid), offered by the OSC seed company. Bring a burst of colour to your garden with...
Lychnis 'Maltese Cross'

Lychnis 'Maltese Cross'

A Dazzling Addition to Your Garden Seeds of Lychnis 'Maltese Cross' (Lychnis chalcedony), offered by the seed company OSC. Bring a vibrant touch to your borders with these perennials with...
Malva 'Braveheart'

Malva 'Braveheart'

Mallow 'Braveheart' (Malva sylvestris) – offered by Seed Company WH Perron The mallow 'Braveheart' is a robust and vigorous plant, known for its magnificent lilac flowers marked with purple streaks....
Mallow 'Zebrina'

Mallow 'Zebrina'

Malva 'Zebrina' – McKenzie Seeds Malva 'Zebrina' is a perennial plant with magnificent purple-veined mauve flowers that add a rustic and elegant touch to the garden. Very floriferous, it attracts...
Malva mix 'Sylvestris Mystic'

Malva mix 'Sylvestris Mystic'

Malva mix 'Sylvestris Mystic' is a perennial plant with superb flowers in shades of pink and purple, veined with purple. Its slender shape and abundant flowering make it an excellent...
Daisy 'Crazy Daisy Double'

Daisy 'Crazy Daisy Double'

Soft and Radiant Beauty for Your Flower Beds Double daisy seeds (Leucanthemum x superbum), offered by the OSC seed company. Bring a touch of elegance to your garden with these...
Shasta Daisy 'Maximum'

Shasta Daisy 'Maximum'

Marguerite 'Maximum' – An Essential Classic for Perennial Gardens Shasta 'Maximum' daisy seeds (Leucanthemum maximum) , offered by OSC seed company. Bring a touch of purity and grace to your...
African Daisy 'Aurantica'

African Daisy 'Aurantica'

An Explosion of Colors in Full Sunlight African daisy 'Aurantica' seeds (Dimorphotheca aurantiaca) , offered by the seed company OSC. With its single flowers in vibrant shades of orange, buff...
Daisy Bell 'Giant Double Mixed English'

Daisy Bell 'Giant Double Mixed English'

English Daisy 'Giant Double Mixed' – Elegance and Colour for Your Garden English daisy seeds 'Giant Double Mixed' (Bellis Perennis) , offered by the seed company OSC. These charming, double,...
Yellow daisy

Yellow daisy

Yellow daisy (Rudbeckia hirta) , seeds from Marie-Victorin The yellow daisy (Rudbeckia hirta) is a bright perennial, ideal for wild meadows and sunny beds. Its vibrant yellow flowers with brown...
Marigold – African Giant Crackerjack Mix

Marigold – African Giant Crackerjack Mix

Marigold 'African Giant Crackerjack Mix' ( Tagetes erecta ), offered by seed company WH Perron Marigold 'African Giant Crackerjack Mix' is a spectacular bloomer with impressive double flowers that can...
Fragrant feverfew (Pineapple chamomile)

Fragrant feverfew (Pineapple chamomile)

Fragrant feverfew (Matricaria discoidea), proposed by Akène 🌿 A little wild chamomile with a pineapple scent 🌿 Fragrant feverfew , also called wild chamomile , is a discreet but precious...
Salad Mallow organic

Salad Mallow organic

Organic curly mallow ( Malva verticillata ) from the seed company Gaia, an edible and medicinal plant with multiple benefits A hardy leafy plant that can grow up to 1.5...
Lavatera 'Loveliness'

Lavatera 'Loveliness'

Lavatera 'Loveliness' – A Burst of Pink Colour in Your Garden Lavatera seeds (Lavatera trimestris), offered by the seed company OSC. This heirloom variety produces spectacular hibiscus-like flowers up to...
Musk mallow

Musk mallow

Musk mallow (Malva moschata), proposed by Akène 🌿 A flowering and edible perennial with medicinal benefits 🌿 Musk mallow is a short-lived perennial that reseeds easily, ensuring its long-lasting presence...
Zebrina Mallow

Zebrina Mallow

Mallow Sylvestre 'Zebrina' – A Classic and Enduring Elegance Seeds of Wild Mallow 'Zebrina' (Malva sylvestris) , offered by the seed company OSC. Transform your garden with 'Zebrina' Wild Mallow,...
Nasturtium Mix Organic

Nasturtium Mix Organic

Nasturtium Mix (Tropaeolum majus) from seed company Gaia is a vibrant assortment of vigorous annual plants, ideal for brightening up gardens and adding a unique culinary touch. These climbing or...
Herbs & Edible Flower Mix organic

Herbs & Edible Flower Mix organic

Gaia Seeds' Edible Herb and Flower Mix is a versatile assortment of open-pollinated annuals, including species such as Dianthus, Tagetes, Basil, Calendula, Pansies, Cornflowers, Nasturtiums, Coriander and Lemon Balm. This...
Mix of old-fashioned flower beds

Mix of old-fashioned flower beds

Heirloom Flower Bed Mix – McKenzie Seeds The mix of old-fashioned flower beds is a varied selection of annual flowers with bright colours and timeless charm. This mix is ​​specially...
Flower Mix 'Blue Splendor'

Flower Mix 'Blue Splendor'

Blue Splendor Flower Mix Seeds Try a blue-themed garden this year with Blue Splendor Mix! This pack contains a unique blend of annual flowers specially selected to offer a captivating...
Heirloom flower mix organic

Heirloom flower mix organic

Mixture of organic ancestral flowers ( heritage varieties ) from the Gaia seed company, a burst of preserved nature This heirloom flower blend brings together varieties that have been around...
Annual Flower Mix  'Special Mix'

Annual Flower Mix 'Special Mix'

Special Mix of Annual Flowers - Bouquet Mix Special Mix of Annual Flowers (Antirrhinum majus X hybrida), offered by Semencier OSC. This mix brings together more than 20 varieties for...
Organic Beneficial Insect Flower Mix

Organic Beneficial Insect Flower Mix

Organic flower mix for beneficial insects from Gaia seed company, a natural solution for a balanced garden This wildflower mix has been specially designed to attract and feed beneficial insects...
Monarch Butterfly Flower Mix Organic

Monarch Butterfly Flower Mix Organic

Organic Monarch Butterfly Flower Mix from Gaia Seeds, a floral sanctuary for pollinators This blend of specially selected flowers provides shelter and an essential food source for monarch butterflies ,...
 Deer-Resistant Wildflower Seed Mix

Deer-Resistant Wildflower Seed Mix

Deer Resistant Wildflower Seed Mix A carefully selected mix of annuals (A), hardy biennials (B), and hardy perennials (P) designed to repel deer while beautifying your garden. Includes native and...
'Hummingbird Garden' Wildflower Mix

'Hummingbird Garden' Wildflower Mix

'Hummingbird Garden' Wildflower Mix This mix has been specially designed to attract hummingbirds and other pollinators to your garden, providing a fascinating spectacle for bird lovers. It contains 21 varieties...
Wildflower Mix 'Birds and Butterflies'

Wildflower Mix 'Birds and Butterflies'

Wildflower mix 'Birds and Butterflies' - offered by Semences WH Perron Transform your garden into a haven of biodiversity with the 'Birds and Butterflies' wildflower mix. This unique blend of...
Wildflower Mix 'Low Growing'

Wildflower Mix 'Low Growing'

A Compact Flower Garden All Season Long Low growing wildflower seed mix , offered by the OSC seed company. This unique wildflower mix is designed specifically for sites requiring low...
Wildflower Mix 'OSC Mix'

Wildflower Mix 'OSC Mix'

A Natural and Colorful Garden All Summer Long Wildflower mix 'OSC Mix' , offered by the OSC seed company. This unique mix brings together varieties of wildflowers carefully selected to...
Wildflower Mix 'For the Bees'

Wildflower Mix 'For the Bees'

Wildflower Mix 'For the Bees' The 'For Bees' wildflower mix is ​​specially designed to attract and feed bees, butterflies and other pollinators throughout the season. Composed of 18 varieties of...
Wildflower Mix 'For Pollinators'

Wildflower Mix 'For Pollinators'

Wildflower Mix 'For Pollinators' The 'For Pollinators' wildflower mix is ​​specially designed to feed wild bees, honey bees and other pollinating insects. It contains up to 20 varieties of annual...
Wildflower Mix 'All Purpose'

Wildflower Mix 'All Purpose'

Wildflower Mix 'All Purpose' The 'All Purpose' wildflower mix is ​​a versatile assortment of annual, perennial and biennial flowers, perfect for creating a natural garden with country charm. Suitable for...
'Cottage Country' Native Wildflower Mix

'Cottage Country' Native Wildflower Mix

Natural Beauty Made Easy with 'Cottage Country' Native Wildflower Mix Native Wildflower Seeds (Cottage Country), offered by OSC Seeds Transform your outdoor space with this rustic mix of native wildflowers and...
Wildflower Mix 'Partial Shade'

Wildflower Mix 'Partial Shade'

Semi-Shade Wildflower Seed Mix A mix designed to beautify spaces that receive 4 to 5 hours of filtered light per day. Ideal for creating a varied flowering with self-seeding annuals,...
Wildflower Mix Low-Growing

Wildflower Mix Low-Growing

Low Growing Wildflower Seed Mix A mix specially designed for spaces requiring low flowering plants not exceeding 50 cm in height. This harmonious mix combines hardy annuals and perennials for...
Beneficial Insect Seed Mix

Beneficial Insect Seed Mix

Beneficial Insect Seed Mix A unique blend designed to attract beneficial insects to your garden, naturally reducing pests while supporting a balanced ecosystem. This mix includes annual (A) and perennial...
Nigella Mix 'Persian Jewels Love in a Mist' organic

Nigella Mix 'Persian Jewels Love in a Mist' organic

Nigella Mix 'Persian Jewels Love in a Mist' (Nigella damascena) from Gaia Seeds is an annual plant that charms with its delicate foliage and ethereal flowers in pastel tones. Reaching...