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Agastache fennel
Agastache fennel (Agastache foeniculum), proposed by Akène 🌿 An aromatic, melliferous and medicinal perennial plant 🌿 Agastache fennel is an aromatic perennial plant native to North America, valued as much...
Canadian Serviceberry
Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), proposed by AKÈNE 🌿 A little-known tree with tasty and abundant small fruits 🌿 Although its berries are often eaten as jelly without knowing where they...
American Spikenard
American Spikenard(Aralia racemosa), proposed by Akène 🌿 A majestic native plant with multiple virtues 🌿 The aralia is a perennial herb native to Quebec that can reach 1 meter in...
Sea Buckthorn
Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), proposed by Akène 🌿 A robust shrub with vitamin-rich fruits and multiple benefits 🌿 Sea buckthorn is a thorny perennial shrub that can grow up to...
Flat-topped Aster
Flat top aster (Doellingeria umbellata), proposed by Akène 🌿 A majestic, floriferous aster, essential for biodiversity 🌿 The umbellate aster is one of the most imposing asters in Quebec ,...
Swamp Aster
Swamp Aster(Symphyotrichum puniceum), proposed by Akène 🌿 An elegant perennial, essential for biodiversity 🌿 The swamp aster is a native perennial plant that stands out for its late flowering , ideal...
Canadian Milk Vetch
Canadian Milk Vetch (Astragalus canadensis), proposed by Akène 🌿 A nitrogen-fixing perennial and ally of pollinators 🌿 Milkvetch is a native perennial that can grow up to 90 cm tall...
Fringed Sedge
Fringed Sedge (Carex crinita), proposed by Akène 🌿 A graceful plant for wetlands and bank stabilization 🌿 Curly sedge is a perennial wetland plant distinguished by its long, slender foliage...
Shiny Carex
Shiny sedge (Carex lurida), proposed by Akène 🌿 A perennial of wetlands, ideal for stabilizing banks 🌿 Shiny sedge is a herbaceous perennial plant that forms beautiful, soft, drooping clumps...
Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana), offered by Akène 🌿 A rustic, nourishing tree, essential for biodiversity 🌿 The chokecherry is a shrub or small tree native to Quebec, reaching up to 6...
Chervis (Sium sisarum), proposed by AKÈNE 🌿 A tasty and rustic old vegetable 🌿 Chervis is a hardy perennial plant that deserves to find its place in today's vegetable gardens...
Virginia Clematis
Virginia Clematis (Clematis virginiana), proposed by Akène 🌿 A graceful and floriferous native vine 🌿 Virginia clematis is a native perennial vine that can grow up to 20 feet (6...
Sweet Pepperbush
Sweet Pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), proposed by Akène 🌿 A fragrant, resistant and ecological shrub 🌿 Sweet Pepperbush is a native perennial shrub valued for its spikes of fragrant white flowers...
Red Osier Dogwood
Red-hart dogwood (Cornus sericea), proposed by Akène 🌿 A native shrub with bright red stems and multiple ecological roles 🌿 Red-hearted dogwood is a large native perennial shrub that can...
American sand rye
American sand rye (Leymus mollis), proposed by Akène 🌿 An essential grass for the stabilization of dunes and dry soils 🌿 American sand rye is a native perennial grass specially...
Canadian wild rye
Canadian wild rye (Elymus canadensis), proposed by AKÈNE 🌿 An essential native grass for soil stabilization 🌿 Canadian wildrye is a native perennial grass recognized for its key ecological role...
Spreading lyme
Spreading ryegrass (Elymus hystrix), proposed by Akène 🌿 An elegant and resistant native grass 🌿 Spreading wild rye is a native perennial grass that grows up to 110 cm tall...
Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans), proposed by Akène 🌿 An elegant and resistant native grass 🌿 Indian grass , also called Indian grass , is a hardy perennial grass that can grow...
Canadian Glyceria
Canadian Glyceria (Glyceria canadensis), proposed by AKÈNE 🌿 A native grass ideal for wetlands 🌿 Canadian glycerin is a native perennial grass that thrives in wetlands and aquatic environments. With...
Sweet Everlasting
Sweet Everlasting (Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium), proposed by Akène 🌿 A hardy plant with fluffy, fragrant flowers 🌿 The Sweet Everlasting is an annual or biennial plant of the Asteraceae family, recognizable by...
Great mullein
Great mullein (Verbascum thapsus), proposed by Akène 🌿 A majestic plant with multiple uses 🌿 The great mullein is a biennial plant remarkable for its imposing height and its unique...
Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis), offered by AKÈNE 🌿 A precious medicinal plant with delicate flowers 🌿 Marshmallow is a perennial plant with multiple uses, cultivated since Antiquity for its medicinal virtues...
Canadian Lily
Canada Lily (Lilium canadense), proposed by AKÈNE 🌿 A wild flower of remarkable elegance 🌿 The Canada lily is one of the most spectacular native perennials in North America. With...
Fragrant feverfew (Pineapple chamomile)
Fragrant feverfew (Matricaria discoidea), proposed by Akène 🌿 A little wild chamomile with a pineapple scent 🌿 Fragrant feverfew , also called wild chamomile , is a discreet but precious...
Musk mallow
Musk mallow (Malva moschata), proposed by Akène 🌿 A flowering and edible perennial with medicinal benefits 🌿 Musk mallow is a short-lived perennial that reseeds easily, ensuring its long-lasting presence...
White sweet clover
White sweet clover (Melilotus albus), proposed by Akène 🌿 A captivating fragrance and an ally of pollinators 🌿 White sweet clover , also called "boreal vanilla" , is a biennial...
Canada Mint
Canada mint (Mentha arvensis subsp. borealis), proposed by Akène 🌿 A native mint with multiple benefits 🌿 Canada mint is the only native mint in North America , a robust...
Nicotine Sacred Tobacco
Sacred tobacco (Nicotiana rustica), proposed by Akène 🌿 A sacred plant with multiple uses 🌿 Sacred tobacco, also called peasant tobacco or small tobacco , is a vigorous annual that...
Panic panicum (Panicum virgatum), proposed by Akène 🌾 A hardy, ornamental native grass 🌾 Switchgrass is a tall perennial grass native to North America, reaching 1.75 m in height ....
Hairy penstemon
Hairy penstemon (Penstemon hirsutus), proposed by Akène 🌸 A jewel for rockeries and pollinators 🌸 The hairy penstemon is a hardy perennial with a bushy habit, easily recognizable by its...
Phacelia with tansy leaves
Tansy-leaved Phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia), proposed by Akène 🌸 A spectacular bloom for pollinators! 🌸 Tansy-leaved Phacelia is an annual plant with delicate lavender-blue flowers arranged in elegant spirals. Its finely...
Eastern Ninebark
Physocarpus opulifolius, proposed by Akène 🌿 An elegant and resilient native shrub 🌿 The guelder rose is a rustic and graceful shrub, appreciated for its arched branches and its brownish...
Obedient Plant
Virginia Physostegia (Physostegia virginiana), proposed by Akène 🌸 An elegant perennial prized by pollinators 🌸 Virginia creeper is a striking native perennial, prized for its tall stems adorned with delicate...
Tall Meadow Rue
Tall Meadow Rue (Thalictrum pubescens), proposed by Akène 🌿 An elegant and majestic perennial for wetlands 🌿 Pigamon downy is an imposing perennial plant that can grow up to 1.9...
Creeping Jacob's Ladder
Creeping Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium reptans), proposed by Akène 🌿 A delicate and refined spring perennial 🌿 The creeping polemonium , also called Jacob's Ladder, is an elegant and discreet perennial...
Allegheny Blackberry
Allegheny Blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis), proposed by Akene 🌿 A rustic and delicious wild mulberry tree 🌿 Allegheny Blackberry is a native perennial plant , valued for its hardiness, drought resistance...
Purple-flowering Raspberry
Purple-flowering Raspberry (Rubus odoratus), proposed by Akène 🌸 A native shrub with bright flowers and tasty fruits 🌸 The sweet Purple-flowering Raspberry is a hardy perennial shrub , prized for its...
American Mountain Ash
American Rowan (Sorbus americana) – Submitted by AKÈNE 🌿 A majestic and nourishing native tree 🌿 The American rowan is a slender and resilient tree that can reach 10 meters...
White elderberry
White elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) – Proposed by AKÈNE 🌿 A generous and ecological native shrub 🌿 The white elderberry , also called Canadian elderberry , is a robust native shrub...
Tobacco 'Little Canadian'
Tobacco "Petit Canadien" (Nicotiana tabacum) – Offered by AKÈNE 🌿 A heritage ornamental tobacco with multiple benefits 🌿 Petit Canadien tobacco is a Quebec heritage variety that has been cultivated...
Common Tansy
Common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), proposed by Akène 🌿 A hardy perennial with multiple uses 🌿 Common tansy is a hardy, low-maintenance perennial that is ideal for naturalistic gardens and vegetable...
Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens), offered by Akène 🌿 A native ground cover with a captivating fragrance 🌿 Wintergreen is a native perennial that thrives in coniferous forests and acidic undergrowth ....
Labrador Tea
Labrador tea (Rhododendron groenlandicum), offered by Akène 🌿 An aromatic and resistant native shrub 🌿 Labrador tea is a hardy perennial shrub , well adapted to the boreal forests and...
Grass-leaved Goldenrod
Grass-leaved goldenrod (Euthamia graminifolia) – Submitted by AKÈNE 🌿 A golden bloom and a refuge for pollinators 🌿 Grass- leaved goldenrod is a slender perennial plant, recognizable by its narrow...
Zigzag Goldenrod
Zigzagging goldenrod (Solidago flexicaulis) – Proposed by AKÈNE 🌿 An elegant perennial for undergrowth and shaded areas 🌿 Zigzag goldenrod is a native plant of North American forests, recognizable by...