Low Growing Wildflower Seed Mix
A mix specially designed for spaces requiring low flowering plants not exceeding 50 cm in height. This harmonious mix combines hardy annuals and perennials for continuous and elegant blooms.
It includes species such as African daisy, alyssum saxatile, candytuft, dwarf coreopsis and many others. Ideal for low gardens where diversity and colour flourish discreetly.
Spread : 3-5 m² per pack.
Plant height : Up to 50 cm.
Quantity per pack : Approx. 3-5 m².
Companion plants : Varieties of wild flowers and low grasses.
Enemy plants : None notable.
How to Grow :
Sow seeds in a seedbed prepared in the fall, between mid-September and mid-November. Late sowing encourages natural stratification of dormant seeds over winter. For spring sowing, sow early, between late March and early April, to maximize germination through natural stratification.
Remove weeds and work the soil to a depth of 1 inch. Loose, well-drained soil is ideal for germination. Broadcast the seeds evenly and allow the forces of nature (rain and frost) to work them into the soil. Mix the seeds with sand to improve distribution if necessary. Irrigate during the first season as needed.