Caladium, a barely known plant

Le caladium, une plante méconnue

Also named angels wings or elephant ears, caladium is a tropical plant growing from a bulb, that you may use outside in a pot, in a flowerbed as an annual, or inside to add an exotic touch to your green decor. Its leaves are definitely the star of the show. They come in many colours - pink, red or white - are ribbed or speckled, and can reach a spread of 45 cm, depending on the variety. Some caladium even have transparent leaves, making them as vaporous as you like. If you’re a fan of graphic plants with fascinating designs, caladium is the plant you need.

Caladium’s specificity

Like all bulbous plants, caladium needs to rest during winter to regain its strength, even indoors. At the end of summer time, its leaves first turn pale, then dry up and fade. At this point, you must cut them back to ground-level and completely stop watering it, so it can enter its dormant phase until spring. Though this step might break your heart, it is necessary to your plant’s survival. After cutting up the leaves and letting the soil dry completely, place your pot in a cool, dry place, away from light, until spring. It is its normal life circle, it will come back to life in the spring, do not worry.

Caladium’s maintenance

Cette beauté tropicale demande quelques soins particuliers. Ce n’est pas une plante difficile, mais elle a ses petits caprices.
This tropical beauty requires some particular care. It is not a difficult plant, but it does have its little quirks.


Caladium needs some good light to grow fully, but it’s best to avoid direct sunlight to not burn its delicate foliage.


Caladium likes humidity. You can spray its foliage with non-calcareous water once or twice a week if the air is dry. Growing it on clay balls or a bed of gravel will also really help to maintain a good level of humidity in the room.

Choose a rich and well-drained soil. Caladium likes to stay slightly damp, but never wet. Water when the soil is dry on the surface, and make sure to never leave stagnant water in the saucer. Avoid watering it too much, or it could rotten the bulbs.

As soon as the leaves fade at the end of summer, reduce watering so that the plant can start its dormant phase.


During its growing period, from march to august, feed your caladium every two weeks with a fertilizer for tropical plants. Make sure to always follow the instructions on the label. Stop fertilizing for the winter period.

Caladium is a magnificent plant and a sure eye-catcher. Choose different varieties to create an urban jungle, that will make your tropical decor worthy of the most beautiful southern landscapes.

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