Engrais Fafard

Offrez à vos plantes une nutrition optimale avec les engrais Fafard, des fertilisants de qualité formulés pour stimuler la croissance, la floraison et la résistance des végétaux. Que ce soit pour le jardin, le potager, les fleurs, les arbres ou la pelouse, les produits Fafard apportent un équilibre parfait en nutriments essentiels comme l’azote, le phosphore et le potassium. Disponibles en formules granulaires, liquides et à libération contrôlée, ces engrais assurent une fertilisation efficace et durable pour des résultats visibles rapidement.

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Natural Fertilizer 4-1-4 for Small Fruits and Acid-Loving Plants – Fafard

Natural Fertilizer 4-1-4 for Small Fruits and Acid-Loving Plants – Fafard

$12.99 – $24.99
Fafard Natural Fertilizer 4-1-4 for Small Fruits and Acid-Loving Plants is an organically approved product, specially designed for plants that require acidic soil. Based on chicken manure, this fertilizer enriches...
Natural Fertilizer 6-3-6 for Annuals and Perennials – Fafard

Natural Fertilizer 6-3-6 for Annuals and Perennials – Fafard

$12.99 – $24.99
Fafard's 6-3-6 Natural Fertilizer for Annuals and Perennials is specially designed to feed your flower beds, flower boxes and hanging baskets. Approved for organic growing, it promotes abundant and vibrant...
Natural Fertilizer for Trees and Shrubs 4-2-8 Fafard

Natural Fertilizer for Trees and Shrubs 4-2-8 Fafard

$12.99 – $24.99
Fafard 4-2-8 Natural Tree and Shrub Fertilizer is specially formulated to effectively nourish trees, shrubs, conifers and cedar hedges. Approved for organic farming, this fertilizer promotes dense and vibrant foliage...
Natural Fertilizer for Vegetable Garden 4-3-7  Fafard

Natural Fertilizer for Vegetable Garden 4-3-7 Fafard

$12.99 – $24.99
Fafard 4-3-7 Natural Vegetable Garden Fertilizer is specially designed to effectively feed vegetable and herb gardens. Approved for organic farming, this chicken manure-based fertilizer enriches the soil with organic matter,...
Natural Fertilizer for Vegetable Garden 4-3-7 – 2 kg

Natural Fertilizer for Vegetable Garden 4-3-7 – 2 kg

Natural Urban Vegetable Garden Fertilizer 4-3-7 is specially formulated to meet the needs of urban vegetable gardens, particularly vegetables and herbs grown in restricted environments. Approved for organic cultivation, this...
Engrais à libération contrôlée MAX FLEURS 15-9-12

Engrais à libération contrôlée MAX FLEURS 15-9-12

L'Engrais Naturel Potager Urbain 4-3-7 est spécialement formulé pour répondre aux besoins des potagers urbains, en particulier les légumes et fines herbes cultivés en milieux restreints. Approuvé pour la culture...