Calathea, a fascinating plant

Le calathea, une plante fascinante

Do you know calathea? If you like original tropical plants, you’ll absolutely love this one! Calathea is a decorative plant whose leaves, which vary in shape depending on the variety, display spectacular patterns and colours. Member of the Marantaceae family, calathea has the particularity of curving its leaves upwards at the end of the day, returning to its extended shape in the morning. As well as being a beautiful plant that can grace any corner of your home, it’s also a champion air purifier and is non-toxic for pets. It truly is a fascinating plant to have in your collection.

Calathea’s leaves have different shades of green and are streaked in different colours: white, cream, pink or silver, creating geometric patterns often with a mirroring effect along the midrib. The underside of the leaves is often purple, and they appear curled at first, unfolding quietly as the days go by. This is a slow-growing plant. It only produces 2 to 3 leaves yearly, but they’re worth it!

Caring for calathea

Calatheas are plants that do not require much care, but can be temperamental at times. You need to make sure you give them the best environment possible so they can grow to their full potential.


Calathea needs plenty of light, but never direct sun. Sunlit rooms with curtained windows are ideal. Calathea is sensitive to temperature changes, and does not like draughts. Place it away from heaters or windows that you open frequently.  It is also not the ideal plant to take out on the terrace this summer. It needs to be well protected from Mother Nature’s vagaries.


Calathea likes humidity. Ideally, it should be grown on a bed of clay balls or gravel to avoid frequent spraying. Be careful especially during winter, as heaters dry out the air and can have negative impacts on your beautiful plant. Make sure to use well-drained soil and to dry out the first few centimeters in between waterings.

Other care

Calathea’s huge leaves tend to become dusty over time. With a humid cloth, delicately clean the leaves to remove dust and other pollutants that prevent your plant from developping fully.

There are many varieties of calathea, all more interesting and stylish than others. Choose the one you prefer and admire the spectacle that offers this magnificent plant

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