Companion plants: Lettuce, Alliums, Bush Bean, Brassicaceae (except Mustard), Radish, Tagetes, Catnip.
Far from: Pole Beans, Mustard Family.
Seeding: Soaking in hot water for up to 12 hours is recommended to improve germination. Direct sowing after all danger of frost has passed. For fall plantings, sow 6 to 8 weeks. before the fall frosts
Harvest: Harvest as needed. Harvest any size
Storage: Store at 0°C and 95% humidity. Cut the tops 1″ above the base of the stem. Place in plastic bags to retain moisture.
Seed Depth:1/2-3/4″ Direct, Between Plants:2-4”, Between Rows:12-24”, Sun Level:1, Watering Level:2, Germination:5-8 days/days, 12-23°C Optimal:15-21°C, Days to maturity:54 days/days, Cold tolerance:-11°C, Edible leaves