White Spruce: Resilient and Versatile
White Spruce Seeds (Conifer) (Picea glauca), offered by OSC Seeds
White spruce is a Canadian native conifer that thrives in a variety of soils and climates, from southern Ontario to the Arctic treeline. In the wild, these majestic trees reach heights of 25 m (80′), while landscaped specimens grow 15 to 20 m tall. Popular for windbreaks and Christmas trees, their wood is valuable for lumber and paper production. They also provide food and shelter for local wildlife.
Spread: Not applicable
Plant height: 15 to 20 m
Packet size: Approx. 50 seeds
Companion plants: Pines, birches, maples
Incompatible plants: None known
How to Grow:
For natural stratification, sow directly outdoors in late fall at a depth of 6 mm. Winter cycles will wake dormant seeds. Indoors, mix seeds with moistened peat-based substrate in a ventilated bag, refrigerate for 12 to 20 weeks, then plant in a sheltered outdoor spot in spring.
For quick stratification, mix seeds with moistened peat-based soil, freeze for two months, and then expose to 21°C under lights. Germination, though sporadic, typically occurs within 30 days.
Once well-rooted, transplant seedlings to a permanent site.
White spruce is an excellent choice for sustainable landscaping or ecological restoration projects.