Fafard Indoor Plant Potting Soil is specially formulated to provide an ideal environment for growing potted plants indoors. This high-quality mix contains organic matter, sphagnum peat moss, perlite and vermiculite, ensuring excellent aeration and moisture retention for healthy, vigorous plants.
Uses: Used for potting and maintaining various indoor plants including tropical plants, flowering plants, ferns, and succulents. Ideal for pots, planters, and decorative containers.
Recommended plants: Ferns, philodendrons, pothos, spider plants, dracenas, African violets, succulents.
Properties: Light mix, excellent water retention, good aeration, rich in nutrients, pH balanced.
Benefits: Promotes healthy and vigorous growth of indoor plants, Improves water retention while preventing waterlogging, Enriched to provide essential nutrients to plants, Easy to use for repotting.