Oakleaf lettuce 'Red Pick', from Hortinova, is an open-pollinated variety distinguished by its deep red, wavy leaves. Known for its exceptional resistance to bolting and disease, this fast-growing lettuce is perfect for frequent harvests of tender, tasty and visually appealing leaves.
Spread: 20 to 30 cm
Plant height: 15 to 20 cm
Quantity per pack: ND
Companion plants: Radish, carrot, onion
Enemy plants: Cabbage, celery
Latin name: Lactuca sativa
With its crisp texture and mild, slightly sweet taste, 'Red Pick' lettuce is ideal for preparing colourful salads or for adding an original touch to dishes. Suitable for growing in the ground, in pots or in window boxes, it offers great versatility to gardeners, whatever the size of their growing space.
For successful cultivation, sow seeds directly into well-drained, organically enriched soil at a depth of 0.5 to 1 cm. Space plants 20 to 30 cm apart to allow for good air circulation and optimal leaf development. Maintain regular irrigation to ensure consistent soil moisture.
Seeds germinate in 7-14 days, ensuring easy and quick growing. You can harvest the leaves as needed or cut the entire plant for one-off harvests.
'Red Pick' lettuce is an ideal option for gardeners looking to add a splash of colour and freshness to their gardens and plates, whilst enjoying a reliable and productive crop.