Besgrow Sphagnum Moss


Format: 12L

Format: 12L, 40L
Vendor: Besgrow
Availability: In Stock

Besgrow Sphagnum Moss is a high-quality natural moss, characterized by longer fibers than traditional sphagnum mosses, such as those from Quebec. This moss is ideal for crops requiring exceptional water retention while maintaining good aeration. It is particularly popular for growing orchids, carnivorous plants, as well as for propagating cuttings thanks to its fibrous structure which provides excellent root support.

Uses: Besgrow Sphagnum Moss is used to improve water retention in substrate mixes or as the sole substrate for certain plants. It is ideal for orchids, carnivorous plants, propagation of cuttings, and crops requiring a humid and well-aerated environment.

Recommended plants: Orchids, carnivorous plants, propagation of cuttings, houseplants.

Properties :

  • Longer fibers than those of Quebec sphagnum mosses
  • Excellent water retention
  • Light and airy

Benefits :

  • Ideal for plants that require constant humidity, such as orchids and carnivorous plants
  • Facilitates the propagation of cuttings thanks to its ability to maintain stable humidity
  • Provides excellent root support with its long, strong fibers
  • Improves water retention in substrate mixes, reducing the frequency of watering
  • Provides a sterile, anti-fungal environment, minimizing disease risks for young plants and cuttings

Additional Information for Ornamental Culture:

  • Besgrow Sphagnum Moss is particularly beneficial for orchids, providing a well-aerated substrate that mimics their natural habitat.
  • Used in mixes for carnivorous plants, it helps maintain high humidity, essential for these plants.
  • In horticulture, Besgrow Sphagnum Moss is recognized for its ability to improve the texture and structure of the substrate, facilitating root growth.
  • It is also ideal for propagating cuttings, providing a well-hydrated and stable medium to promote rooting.
  • The long fibers of Besgrow moss allow for better handling and more stable moisture retention compared to other types of sphagnum moss.