Spicy Flavor and Abundant Fall Harvests
Michihli Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa), offered by OSC Seeds
Michihli cabbage features dark green outer leaves encasing a compact core of tender, crisp, and blanched spicy-tasting leaves. The elongated heads taper to a point and average 45 cm tall and 10 cm in diameter. Best grown for fall harvests under cool conditions.
Spread: Not specified
Plant height: 45 cm
Packet size: Approx. 475 seeds
Companion plants: Radishes, lettuce, carrots
Incompatible plants: Tomatoes, strawberries
How to Grow:
Start seeds indoors in a soilless mix about 5 weeks before the last frost date. Sow seeds 6 mm deep and maintain a temperature of 20 °C during germination, which takes 7–10 days. Grow seedlings at a slightly cooler temperature before hardening and transplanting outdoors in late spring. For best results, grow in late summer for fall harvests. Space plants 45 cm apart and rows 75 cm apart. Michihli does not form dense heads in the warm conditions of spring and summer.
A perfect choice to add spicy flavor and tender leaves to your meals.