Gaillardia 'Jaune Mesa': AAS Winning Flower and Pollinator Favorite
Gaillardia 'Jaune Mesa' seeds (Gaillardia X grandiflora) , offered by the seed company OSC.
This 2010 AAS winner is the first F1 hybrid Gaillardia to be grown from seed. Vigorous 18-inch-tall plants produce vibrant, bright yellow, daisy-like flowers measuring 3 inches across all summer. A favorite of butterflies and pollinators, this plant is ideal for containers or flower borders. Hardy to zone 4.
Spread: Not specified
Plant height: 45 cm
Quantity per pack: Approximately 10 seeds
Companion plants: Echinacea, rudbeckia, lavender
Enemy plants: None notable
How to grow:
Sow directly outdoors from April to August in a sunny spot for flowers the following year. For first-year blooms, start seeds indoors in March in a soilless mix. Do not cover seeds, as light encourages germination. Maintain a temperature of 68 to 77 degrees F (20 to 25 degrees C) for 14 to 21 days. Then place seedlings under lights at a cooler temperature. Harden them off before transplanting outdoors.