Kyriu 2-3 mm


Format: 2L

Format: 2L, 16L
Vendor: ACB
Availability: In Stock Pre order Out of stock

Kyriu is a very hard and durable Japanese volcanic clay, renowned for its ability to improve drainage and soil structure over the long term. Its unique composition makes it a substrate of choice for bonsai, especially conifers such as pines, which require stable and well-aerated soil.

Uses: Kyriu is used to improve drainage and soil structure in bonsai pots and other potted plants. It is particularly recommended for bonsai that require a durable and stable soil structure, essential for their long-term health.

Recommended plants: Bonsai (especially pines and other conifers).

Properties :

  • Resists decomposition and compaction
  • Maintains a stable structure over the long term

Benefits :

  • Ideal for bonsai requiring a long-term stable soil structure
  • Facilitates excellent drainage, reducing the risk of root rot
  • Does not rise to the surface like perlite, ensuring even distribution in the substrate
  • Promotes optimal root aeration, essential for the health of bonsai
  • Improves moisture retention while allowing good evacuation of excess water
  • Reusable, making it an economical and eco-friendly option for gardeners and bonsai enthusiasts
  • Excellent support for bonsai root systems, especially for conifers which require good aeration and efficient drainage

Additional Information for Ornamental Culture:

  • Kyriu is particularly recommended for bonsai because of its ability to maintain a stable soil structure, even after years of use.
  • It is also used in substrate mixes for potted plants requiring fast drainage and a durable structure.
  • In horticulture, Kyriu is valued for its ability to provide a solid foundation for roots, crucial for the development and long-term health of bonsai and other collector's plants.
  • Its hardness and durability make it a preferred choice for bonsai enthusiasts wishing to avoid frequent replacement of the substrate, thus ensuring continuity in the care given to the plants.
  • Used in combination with other substrates, Kyriu can enhance the overall performance of the mix, providing an optimal growing environment for a variety of ornamental plants.