Crispy and refreshing lettuce
Iceberg Lettuce Seeds (Crisphead Type), offered by OSC Seeds.
This classic strain, first introduced in 1894, is famous for its compact, medium-sized buds, surrounded by few outer leaves and featuring a crisp white heart. The leaves are extremely crisp, succulent and tender, offering an unmatched texture. Consistent watering is crucial to ensure the best bud development.
Size : pack, 1kg, 25g, 125g, 500g
Days to harvest : 75-80 days
Degree of difficulty : Easy
Family name : Asteraceae
Frost Tolerance : Can withstand light frost
Growth Habit : Head Forming
Heritage : Inheritance
Latin : Lactuca sativa
Row Pack Length : One pack sows approximately 6m (20') of row.
Light : Full Sun
Propagation : Sow directly every two weeks as long as the weather is cool.
Cultivation method:
Lettuce is a cool weather crop that loves sun and grows best in organic, well-drained soil. Sow as soon as the soil can be worked in spring and then every two weeks thereafter to ensure a continuous supply. Sow about 3mm deep in rows 45cm apart. Gradually thin sowing to 30cm apart. An even supply of moisture throughout the growing period is imperative for success. Harvest head lettuce by cutting the head from the base just below the lower leaves. Once the lettuce bolts it will begin to produce a fast growing flower, making the leaves bitter. Germination occurs in 7-10 days.