Grandiflora Resistant and Vibrant Flowers
Gaillardia Grandiflora seeds (Gaillardia X grandiflora) , offered by the seed company OSC.
Bright golden-yellow flowers with brownish-red centers brighten up your garden all summer long. Perfect for bouquets or as a focal point at the back of a perennial border. This naturalized variety self-sows easily without becoming invasive. Very hardy and easy to grow, it is ideal for cold climates (zone 3).
Spread: Not specified
Plant height: 75 cm
Quantity per pack: Approximately 110 seeds
Companion plants: Echinacea, rudbeckia, lavender
Enemy plants: None notable
How to grow:
Sow directly outdoors between April and August in a sunny location for flowering the following year. For flowers in the first year, start seeds indoors in March in a soilless mix. Do not cover the seeds, as light encourages germination. Maintain a temperature of 20 to 25°C for 14 to 21 days. Then place the seedlings under a light at a slightly cooler temperature. Harden them off before transplanting outdoors.
Tip: Gaillardias can self-sow, but they are never invasive.