Dazzling Flowers and Majestic Elegance in the Garden with this Foxglove 'Excelsior Hybrids'
Foxglove ' Excelsior' (Digitalis purpurea), offered by the seed company OSC.
A majestic plant with large inflorescences composed of bell-shaped flowers adorned with spotted throats. Shades range from pink to cream, purple and white. Ideal for sunny or partially shaded gardens, it reaches 1.5 m in height in its second year. Excelsior reseeds itself naturally, becoming a permanent presence in the garden despite its biennial cycle. Warning: the seeds and plants are toxic.
Spread: Not applicable
Plant height: Up to 1.5 m
Quantity per pack: Approximately 500 seeds
Companion plants: Sage, yarrow, daisy
Enemy plants: Not notable
How to grow:
Sow indoors in February or March in a soilless mix to encourage flowering in the first year. Germinate in 10-15 days at 20°C, then develop at a cooler temperature before hardening off and transplanting to a sheltered site. Alternatively, sow directly in May-June or mid-August for flowering the following year. Foxglove prefers moist, well-drained soil.
This plant with classic charm attracts pollinators while bringing imposing height to your borders or flowerbeds.