Hollyhock 'Fiesta Time'

Vendor: OSC
Type: Seeds
Availability: In Stock Pre order Out of stock

A Bouquet of Bright Cherry Roses

Hollyhock 'Fiesta Time' ( Alcea rosea ), offered by Semences OSC.

Hollyhock 'Fiesta Time' offers double, deep cerise pink flowers that brighten up gardens all summer long. Growing on compact, sturdy plants that grow to 1m tall, these lush blooms add a touch of charm and elegance. Ideal for beds and borders, this perennial can flower in its first year if started early indoors.

Plant height : 1 m
Extent : Not specified
Quantity per pack : Approximately 15 seeds (110 seeds/gram)
Companion plants : Phlox, delphiniums, echinacea
Enemy plants : None known
Suggested Uses : Massifs, borders, cut flowers
Plant Type : Perennial

Cultivation method:

For first-year flowering, start indoors in February. Sow in soilless mix at a constant temperature of 18°C. Germination takes 21-28 days. Avoid high temperatures, which may compromise germination.

Place the plants under light, then harden them off before transplanting them to a sunny location between mid and late May. Direct sowing outdoors can be done from May to mid-August for flowering the following year. Space the plants 60 cm apart for optimal development.

Bring an explosion of color and timeless elegance to your gardens with 'Fiesta Time' hollyhock, a must-have variety for lovers of spectacular flowers.