Climbing Morning Glory – Elegance and Color for Your Vertical Spaces
Seeds of Climbing Morning Glory (Ipomoea quamoclit ), offered by the seed company OSC.
This climbing vine produces lush foliage and bright purple-red flowers with a white throat, perfect for attracting hummingbirds. Climbing up to 10 feet tall, it is ideal for embellishing fences, arbors or trellises. Its delicate, upward-facing flowers add an elegant and vibrant touch to any garden.
Spreading: Up to 30 cm spacing recommended.
Plant height: Up to 3 m.
Quantity per pack: Approx 12 seeds/pkt.
Companion plants: Nasturtiums, morning glories, sweet peas.
Enemy plants: None notable.
How to Grow:
Sow directly into the garden in late May to a depth of 6mm. Soak seeds in room temperature water overnight before sowing to encourage germination. Germination occurs in 7-14 days. Thin to 30cm once plants are established. This climbing vine prefers slightly acidic soils and full sun. Do not over-fertilise and prune as needed to maintain shape.
Add a burst of color to your vertical spaces with this pollinator-irresistible climbing plant!