Companion plants: Corn, Pole beans, Peas, Radish, Sunflower, Parsley, Celery, Buckwheat, Nastertium, Marigold, Oregano.
Far from: Tomato, Eggplant, Potato, Pepper.
Planting tip: Soak in warm water up to 24H & scarify to improve germination. direct-seed late May, early June, when soil reaches 25°C. Can start indoors 3-4 weeks before last frost, move outside once soil reaches 25°C.
Harvesting tip: Mature fruit has a rich color & rinds are hard to dent with a fingernail. The ground spot gets riper in color too (yellow to cream, gold to orange). Cut 2” stem to avoid rot from the stem. Must cure in dry and warm place.
Storage tip: Store at 10-12°C w/ 55-75% humidity & good air flow.
Seed depth:1″ Direct, Plant spacing:15-18″, Row spacing:24-36″, Sun Level:3, Watering Level:2, Germination:7-10 days/jrs, 21-35°C Optimally:27-35°C, Days to maturity:55 days/jrs