Rinse 1 to 2 cups of soy beans and place them in a jar or other sprouting container. Add 2 to 3 cups of clean water, fill the jar three-quarters full, and cover with a germination screen lid. Soak the soybeans for at least 8 hours or overnight. Drain and rinse the soy beans thoroughly. Invert the jar over a bowl at an angle so that the beans drain out while still allowing air to circulate.
Keep the sprouter in a dark, shady place without light.
Repeat rinsing and draining 3 to 4 times a day until sprouts appear. Taste the sprouts (not the beans) daily, stopping rinsing and draining when the sprouts have reached the desired length and flavor.
Drain the bean sprouts for several hours before cooking or transferring to a covered container.
The seeds for growing sprouts and microgreens are all certified organic (European). Sprouts are best known for their health benefits because they have the highest concentration of digestible nutrients available shortly after seed germination. Sprouts are also a great way to add fresh greens to a diet straight from the kitchen counter.