Companion plants: Radish, Corn, Garlic, Nasturtium, Pumpkin, Squash.
Far from: Potato.
Planting tip: Soaking in warm water for up to 12H & scarification is recommended for improved germination. Sow indoors 2 weeks before transplanting outside or direct sow outside when soil °T is above 21°C.
Harvesting tip: Harvest when tendril near the fruit is dried and brown.
Storage tip: Store at 7°C and at 85% humidity for up to 3 weeks.
Seed depth:1/2″ Direct, Plant spacing:24-36”, Row spacing:60″, Sun Level:3, Watering Level:2, Germination:3-10 days/jrs, 21-35°C Optimally:27-30°C, Days to maturity:85 days/jrs