Autumn planters to give your landscape a boost!

Les potées d’automne pour redonner du pep à votre aménagement!

It’s fall: the days are getting shorter and cooler, the leaves on the trees are changing colour, and your flowerbeds, pots and other containers of annuals are starting to look a little tired. Many varieties of plants do not tolerate frost, or even the cold. But it’s not all over! You can give your landscaping a beautiful touch of youth and vitality until November or December if the temperatures are mild enough.

Some perennials, grasses, ornamental cabbage, fall chrysanthemums and even some herbs will withstand temperatures around -10ºC.  Fall plants are chosen mainly for their colourful foliage. You can mix yellows, greens, reds and purples to create wow effects that will stand out and turn heads!

Here are a few varieties that can handle the cold:

  • Heuchera
  • Bergenia
  • Sedum
  • Lavender
  • English ivy
  • Cordyline
  • Pansies
  • Sage
  • Lemon thyme
  • Burning Bush

Mix textures and heights as well. Take advantage of this opportunity to add a few decorative elements to make your creations even more attractive: pumpkins, squash, dried corn on the cob, bales of hay… let your creativity flow to create fall pots that reflect your image.

A few tips:

  • Always use plastic pots for fall pots. Cold temperatures may cause your ceramic pots to crack.
  • Since your plants have been feeding on potting soil all summer, add a good dose of compost when planting. You can also add a specialized plant food for container plants. This will help your plants stay strong longer.
  • If you are using perennials and want to save them for the next season, place them in the ground where there is a lot of snow cover. They will be protected and regain their strength in the spring.

Need suggestions for your fall pots? Ask our nursery specialists. They will help you restore the vigour of your landscape before winter arrives.

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