Weston / Eggplant ‘Bianca Sfumata di Rosa’ / Annual Type / Non-GMO

Weston / Eggplant ‘Bianca Sfumata di Rosa’ / Annual Type / Non-GMO

Eggplant Bianca Sfumata Di Rosa seeds of the Annual type – untreated and GMO-free seeds

Beautiful and delicious Italian heirloom ideal for slicing, baking and roasting.
Pink-lavender with white undertones, the fruits of this beautiful Italian heirloom are large, round, and 5 to 6 inches long.

200 seeds/pack untreated

3,99 $

Availability: 8 in stock

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Start sowing indoors about 10 weeks before your typical last frost date. Soak the seeds in water overnight before planting. Seeds germinate best at a temperature of 27°C (80°F). After seeds germinate, continue growing near daylight at a slightly cooler temperature of 72°F (23°C). Gradually harden off the seedlings, then transplant them outside into the garden once danger of frost has passed.

Plant in full sun with fertile, highly organic soil. Place transplants 60 cm (24 in) apart in rows 90 cm (36 in) apart. Keep watering evenly throughout the season and feed regularly with a low-nitrogen fertilizer. About 3 to 4 weeks before your typical first fall frost date, pinch out any flowers that are developing. This encourages the plant to put its energy into ripening the fruits it already bears. Ripe fruit is dark and shiny and the surface will not spring back when depressed and released.


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