Companion plants: Carrot, Lettuce, Beans, Beet, Cabbage, Kale, Nasturtium, Alliums, Spinach, Squash, Cucumber.
Far from: Melon, Turnip, Pumpkin, Sunflower, Potato, Hyssop.
Planting tip: Soaking in warm water for up to 12H is recommended for improved germination. Direct seed as soon as the soil can be worked. Plant in fall so to mature on the first day of frost.
Harvesting tip: Harvest when radish stops to hold well in soil.
Storage tip: Cut the tops off to keep well for 3-4 weeks at 1-2°C w/ 85-90% humidity in aerated containers.
Seed depth:1/2″ Direct, Plant spacing:1-4”, Row spacing:8-12”, Sun Level:2, Watering Level:2, Germination:5-7 days/jrs, 4-29°C Optimally:18°C, Days to maturity:25 days/jrs, Cold tolerance:-7°C, Edible leaf