Hortinova / KORNETT – Open Pollinated Red Beet

Hortinova / KORNETT – Open Pollinated Red Beet

Beta vulgaris 

  • Early maturity. 
  • Multi germ type. 
  • Round shaped, medium sized roots. 
  • Smooth root with dark red interior. 
  • Uniform harvest and superior quality. 
  • Green leaves with red veins. 
  • Good resistance to bolting. 
  • Open-pollinated seeds. 
  • Natural, Untreated, Non-GMO Seeds. 

4,99 $

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Natural, untreated and GMO-free seeds. Open pollinated seeds

Beets can be sown successively outdoors from early spring to mid-summer. Cold conditions can cause early seedlings to bolt. Prevent this by sowing seeds in cells indoors, using bolting-resistant varieties, or covering young plants with horticultural fleece or cloches. Space rows 8 in (20 cm) apart. Sow at the same depth in large, deep containers, spacing seeds 2 in (5 cm) apart. Alternatively, sow single seeds in cells and germinate on a cool windowsill or in a greenhouse.

Beets have multi-sprout seeds, each producing multiple plants. Pinch out weaker seedlings to thin them 3-4 in (7.5-10 cm) apart. Harden off young plants and plant them evenly spaced in rows 8 in (20 cm) apart. Weed the rows regularly and water to prevent the soil from drying out. Create traps and barriers to protect seedlings from slugs and snails. Water beets at all stages of development to keep the soil moist and encourage root swelling.


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