HERBIONIK / Heavy Shade

HERBIONIK / Heavy Shade

Herbionik – Grass Seed – Intense Shade – Shaded

This mixture contains very high quality seeds tolerant of the lack of sunlight, chosen for our climate, and endophytes (fungus present in ryegrass and fescue that naturally repels insects from the foliage).

A minimum of 3 hours of sunlight is recommended.

19,99 $219,99 $

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Recipe: 55% Creeping red fescue, 30% Perennial ryegrass (ryegrass), 10% Poa trivialis Laser, 5% Sodding fescue

Manual :

TO SOW A NEW LAWN: Clear the surface of any debris Spread a layer of 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 inches) of potting soil over the entire surface then rake the covered area Spread the seeds evenly. Keep the soil moist until the lawn is established (without saturated with water)

TO INCREASE THE DENSITY OF AN EXISTING LAWN OR PREVENT WEEDS Spread the seeds evenly, making sure they come into contact with the soil



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