GreenEarth Concentrated Lime Sulfur is a product used as an insecticide and fungicide solution. It is suitable for the dormant period as well as summer for various plants.
For fruit trees, rose bushes and other ornamental plants.
It helps eliminate disease spores, insect eggs and winter-resistant mealybugs.
Can I use it on my houseplants?
Of course ! You can use Greenearth concentrated lime sulfur on your houseplants. Here are some tips for proper use:
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dosage specific to your houseplants.
In general, dilute the product with water as recommended.
Application :
Apply the solution to the leaves and stems of your plants using a sprayer.
Avoid spraying directly on the ground.
Frequency :
Use lime sulfur as needed.
During the dormant period, a single application may be sufficient.
During the growing season, repeat application every 2 to 4 weeks.
Protect your hands with gloves during application.
Avoid contact with eyes and mouth.
Observation :
Monitor your plants for any adverse reactions.
If signs of burning or stress appear, reduce the concentration or frequency of application.
Calcium polysulfide – 23%