Companion plants: Beans, Squash, Melon, Amaranth, Cucumber, Peas, Parsley, Potato, Pumpkin, Tansy, Sunflower.
Far from: Tomato, Celery.
Planting tip: Soaking in warm water for up to 12H is recommended for improved germination. Direct sow as soon as the soil has warmed up to 19°C.
Harvesting tip: Harvest when ear silks have dried out and kernels are full and filled up and appropriate colour has appeared.
Storage tip: Cool up to 0°C within an hour of harvest and store in high humidity. Consume within days, otherwise sugar content decreases in time.
Seed depth:1-2″ Direct, Plant spacing:8-10”, Row spacing:24-36”, Sun Level:3, Watering Level:3, Germination:5-8 days/jrs, 15-32°C Optimally:29-32°C, Days to maturity:85-95 d/j