Companion plants: Tomato, Strawberry.
Planting tip: Seed stratification is required for 1-2 weeks. Direct sow 2-3 weeks before last spring frost. Space 2″ apart and them 1/4″ deep. Keep soil evenly moist until seeds germinate and plants are about 2″ tall. Can be started indoors 2-3 weeks before planting outdoors. Tolerates cold so can be transplanted mid-spring.
Harvesting tip: Cut and come again through the growing season. Leaves can be harvested as early as 60 days after sowing. Remove flowers before they mature to keep the plants producing new leaves in the fall.
Storage tip: Keep in a plastic bag in the vegetable section of the freezer for up to 3 days.
Seed depth:1/4″ Direct, Plant spacing:6-8”, Row spacing:12-18”, Sun Level:2, Watering Level:2, Germination:14 -35 d/j, 15-24°C Optimally:18°C, Days to maturity:55 days/jrs