Planting tip: Sow two seeds per pot, ¼” deep 10-12 weeks before last frost. Transplant seedlings into the garden 2 weeks after the last average frost date for your area. Artichokes need a cool period 10 to 11 days below 10°C to induce flowering in the first year, but will not survive a hard frost. Space plants 3′ apart.
Harvesting tip: The primary method to tell if an artichoke is ripe is by its size. When the centre choke bud reaches 3 to 5″ in diameter, it is ready to harvest. If you leave the artichoke too long, it will get rough. Secondary side buds should be picked when they reach 1 to 3″ in size. If you leave the bud too long, it will open into the artichoke flower, which is a remarkably aromatic and gorgeous bloom.
Storage tip: Store at 0°C in high humidity for two weeks.
Seed depth:1/4″, Plant spacing:2-3’, Row spacing:3-4’, Sun Level:3, Watering Level:2, Germination:21 days/jrs, 20°C Optimally:20°C, Days to maturity:90 days/jrs