Dormant oil is primarily designed to protect fruit trees and other trees during their dormant period. However, it is not recommended for direct use on vegetables. Here’s why :
Differences between fruit trees and vegetables:
Fruit trees have specific growth cycles, including a dormant period during winter. Dormant oil is applied during this time to target insect pests.
Vegetables, on the other hand, have different needs and do not go through such a marked dormant phase. They are more sensitive to chemicals and oils.
Risks for vegetables:
Applying dormant oil to vegetables can cause problems such as leaf burn, off-flavor and reduced crop quality.
Vegetables are often eaten directly, so it is essential to use products adapted to their cultivation.
Alternatives for vegetables:
To protect your vegetables against harmful insects, opt instead for natural insecticides specifically designed for vegetable crops.
Solutions such as insecticidal soap or neem oil are safe to use on vegetables.