Traditional Italian variety, blocky bell shaped fruit and have striking ribbing. Deep purple and glossy when mature. 5-6” fruit. Staking helps produce bigger fruits.
Companion plants: Beans, Okra, Thyme, Dill, Mint, Tarragon, Potato, Lettuce
Basil, Peppers, Spinach, Sunflower.
Far from: Fennel, Corn.
Planting tip: Sow indoors 8-12 weeks before the last frost date. Transplant outside when day time °T is 18°C and night time °T is more than 10°C. Germination can take up to 7-14 days.
Harvesting tip: Harvest eggplants when skin is glossy and thumbprint will not leave an impression.
Storage tip: Store at 10-12°C w/ 90% humidity for up to 1 week.
Seed depth:1/4″, Plant spacing:18-24”, Row spacing:30-36”, Sun Level:3, Watering Level:3, Germination:7-14 days/jrs, 15-32°C Optimally:23-30°C, Days to maturity:65 days/jrs