Garlic is omnipresent in our kitchens. Whether you eat it fresh, cook it to enhance the taste of your meals or even use it to treat colds and flu, garlic is a must-have at home. Did you know that you can easily grow your own garlic bulbs in the garden? Simple and effective, growing garlic allows you to take another step towards food autonomy. Garlic should be planted in early fall, about a month before the soil freezes, between mid-September and the end of October, depending on the region, to ensure a good harvest next summer. Here is how to plant garlic in the garden.
What to plant?
Garlic grows primarily from the clove. Each clove will produce one bulb of garlic, so do your calculations to know how much to plant. Choose hardy garlic that will thrive in our conditions. You can find beautiful bulbs in garden centers or public markets. Avoid planting grocery store bulbs, they may come from other countries or have been chemically irradiated to prevent germination.
The better the cloves, the better your garlic bulbs will be. So take the time to choose them well to ensure the best success possible. If a variety works well for you and you have good results, keep a few bulbs from your production to put back in the ground in the fall. Garlic adapts to its environment and will gain in quality from year to year.
How to plant garlic?
Planting garlic is pretty simple. First, amend the soil with a good compost, then gently remove the cloves from the bulb and plant them pointing upwards so that you can cover them with 2 to 3 centimeters of soil. Leave about 15 cm of space between the bulbs and if you plant in rows, leave about 25 cm between them.
The optimal location for garlic is in full sun in light, well-drained, rich soil. If your soil is clayey or very moist, you can plant garlic on a raised mound.
When the ground gets frozen, cover your plantings with mulch, such as dead leaves or straw, to protect them from the cold and retain snow as much as possible.
Garlic harvesting
Garlic bulbs are ready to harvest when half of the lower leaves have yellowed and the upper leaves are still green. The time of year varies by region. At this point, bulbs should be carefully removed from the ground to avoid damaging them. Place your bulbs, with or without the leaves, on a trellis for a few days out of the sun. Clean the bulbs by removing the soil and dried peels.
Next comes the drying stage which is essential as it allows the plants to finish maturing. Place your bulbs on a trellis or hang them for about 3 weeks in a warm, well ventilated area. The addition of a fan or dehumidifier can help the process.
The garlic scapes
The flowering stems are called garlic scapes and have a delicate and delicious taste. They are eaten raw or cooked, like a vegetable. They should be picked before they curl up and become hard, around mid-June when they are quite tender. Do not cut them all, they will finish their dance by straightening up and putting on a pretty flower capsule.
Your garlic will keep for 3 to 10 months depending on the conditions you provide. Place your bulbs in a dry place, in a paper bag or cardboard box, away from major temperature variations and, especially, humidity. Avoid the refrigerator if you want to keep your garlic for a long time and have it until the next harvest!
To find everything you need to start your garlic production in the garden, visit one of our two branches in Laval and Brossard.