Made from selected soaps that kill major rose and flower insect pests on contact. Insects should be sprayed directly to achieve control. Thoroughly spray the stems and both leaf surfaces.
Aphids: Spray at first observation, paying particular attention to young shoots and buds where aphids congregate. Repeat weekly as needed.
SOFT BROWN SCALE: Crawlers are killed on contact. Since caterpillar hatching is staggered, 2 to 3 applications may be necessary to control scales. Spray at intervals of 7 to 10 days if necessary.
SPIDERS: As soon as mites appear, spray every 5 to 7 days. Also mist the foliage daily with water until mite control is achieved.
PSYLLES: Spray the foliage upon first observation and repeat as necessary.
Rose Slugs (Sawfly Larvae): When insects appear, spray both leaf surfaces for control. Monitor a second generation and repeat application (usually a few weeks after the first generation).
EARWIGS: Spray at night when insects are active to reduce their numbers.