Organic worm manure
Made from 100% earthworm manure.
Very rich in organic humus.
Ideal for feeding your indoor and outdoor plants, vegetable gardens, flower beds and lawns.
Approved for organic farming
The method of applying vermicompost is quite simple:
Fertilizers for houseplants:
Mix vermicompost with potting soil or growing medium in a 1:1 ratio.
Use this mixture to repot your houseplants. Make sure the roots are in good contact with the mixture.
Water lightly after repotting.
Fertilizers for outdoor plants:
For flower beds, mix vermicompost with garden soil in a ratio of 1:2.
Spread the mixture around the plants and lightly incorporate it into the soil.
Water to encourage the distribution of the vermicompost in the soil.
Fertilizers for the vegetable garden:
Mix the vermicompost with the vegetable garden soil in a ratio of 1:3.
Use this mixture to plant your vegetables and herbs.
Water regularly to maintain soil moisture.
Lawn Fertilizer:
Spread vermicompost on the lawn at a rate of 1 to 2 kg per square meter.
Use a rake to evenly distribute the vermicompost.
Water abundantly so that the vermicompost penetrates the soil.
Remember that vermicompost is an excellent way to enrich the soil with organic nutrients and improve its structure. Be sure to follow the recommended dosages for best results.