Parsnip Homeschooler

Parsnip Homeschooler

Homeschooler Parsnip Seeds – 100% Canadian Seeds

A productive parsnip adapted to drier weather and heavy soils. Parsnip have great storage ability in both the ground and in cold storage.


Companions: Beans, Peppers, Lettuce

4,49 $

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Growing Instructions: Germinates best at 13-24C in moist soil.

Plant Spacing : Thin to ¾ to 2″ apart.

Row Spacing: 6-8″ apart.

Direct Seed at ¼ inch deep once soil can be worked in the spring. Sow early for summer use and follow with a second planting for winter storage. Do not let soil dry out during germination. Benefits from covering with board or light fabric to retain moisture until seeds have sprouted (7-21 days).

Quantité de semences
Type de plante

Full sun

Taux de germination

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