Hortinova / PURPLE TOP – Open Pollinated Turnip

Hortinova / PURPLE TOP – Open Pollinated Turnip

Brassica rapus 

  • Medium maturity: 55 days. 
  • Very popular old heirloom turnip.  
  • Globe shaped smooth roots. 
  • Bright purple on top and creamy white in the portion below the soil line. 
  • Mild flavored and sweet. 
  • Open-pollinated seeds. 
  • Natural, Untreated, Non-GMO Seeds. 

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Natural, untreated and GMO-free seeds. Open pollinated seeds. Variety that has a mild and sweet taste.

Rabioles are best sown directly into open ground, but can also be grown in large containers. Wait until the soil is warm in mid-spring, as currants tend to go to seed (bolting) when sown too early. Sow early varieties successively every 3-4 weeks from mid-spring to mid-summer, in rows 1cm deep and 23cm apart.

Slower-maturing mid-season varieties can be sown at the same depth in mid-summer, in rows 12 in (30 cm) apart. For a spring harvest of rabiole tops – green leaves with a distinctive peppery, lemony flavor – sow a mid-season variety in late summer or early fall in rows 15 cm (6 in.) apart ).

Thin fast-growing rabiole seedlings quickly to 4 in. (10 cm) apart for early varieties and 6 in. (15 cm) apart for mid-season crops; this will give their roots the space they need to fully develop. Weed regularly around plants and keep the soil moist by watering thoroughly once a week in summer

Pick early varieties as early as six weeks after sowing when they reach the size of a golf ball. Mid-season varieties will stay longer without becoming tough and are hardy enough to leave in the ground over winter. Cut the rabiole tops when they are about 15 cm (6 in) high.


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