Hortinova / CHANTINO – Open Pollinated Chantenay Carrot

Hortinova / CHANTINO – Open Pollinated Chantenay Carrot

Daucus carota var. sativus 

  • Mid-early maturity: 100 – 110 days. 
  • Chantenay type carrot. 
  • Conical shaped roots. 
  • 12 – 15 cm in length. 
  • Suitable for fresh market bunching or plastic bags. 
  • Suitable for storing. 
  • Recommended for juice production and baby food. 
  • Open-pollinated seeds. 
  • Natural, Untreated, Non-GMO Seeds. 

4,99 $

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Natural, untreated and GMO-free seeds. Open pollinated seeds

This variety is suitable for the fresh market and for storage and is also recommended for juice production and baby food. Carrot seeds should only be sown when the soil has been warmed by the spring sun. Seedlings should be thinned in stages about 2 in (5 cm) apart as they grow. Pinch them out at ground level and make sure any thinned seedlings are promptly removed to avoid attracting carrot flies, which are attracted to the smell of damaged carrot leaves.

PROTECT: Slugs can be deterred by using barriers or traps around young carrots, but carrot maggot is a more difficult problem. Unless you’re lucky, you’ll need to protect your crop from these tiny tunneling maggots. No method is foolproof:

Completely cover the rows of carrots with fine insect netting to prevent egg-laying adult flies from entering.

Adult flies are only capable of flying close to the ground. Erect a vertical barrier of polyethylene or insect netting at least 60 cm high around the carrot bed.

WATER: Carrots growing in the ground need minimal watering. Water them regularly in pots to keep the roots growing regularly and to prevent them from splitting (which often happens when carrots are overwatered after a dry spell).


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